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Trusting GOD When It's Scary

Some of us are in the middle of a huge transition and GOD is calling us into a promotion or just a new place in general. Human nature tells us to run and hide, or to make excuses or to envy or be jealous. But the Holy Spirit is calling us into a place of rest and peace.  Trusting GOD can be scary and daunting. Actually doing what He said to do is sometimes overwhelming. But most times this is stemming from a lack of faith in who GOD is.  More often then not we can be bound by religion and rules. We begin to look for GOD in a format and when He says create or live we get afraid this is not His will. But He never called us out of bondage to bring us right back into the bondage that comes from trying to live out every perfect law.  Trust, you do want to live by the word of GOD, however when your motive is perfection then somewhere you’ve gotten off track and lost sight of the whole reason for grace and dependency on Jesus.  Paul said it best, “when I am weak, then I am strong.” P

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